
7 Reasons Why Most Gamblers Don’t Prefer Skill-based Slots

In an effort to attract Millenials, a number of casinos all over the world started releasing skill-based slots. People in their 20’s like video games that require a certain skill set. So casinos thought skill-based interactive slots would be an instant success among young audiences. Sadly, they were wrong.  So far, neither young nor seasoned […]

The Reasons: Why Your Bankroll Is Always a Bummer!

Well, for a gambler, his bankroll is as important as oxygen to the human body; both are necessary to survive in their particular habitats. The gamblers find nothing more depressing than talking and calculation of their bankroll. But before getting all technical about that, we should first know what bankroll is? As with the advent […]

How to Find the Finest Online Casinos Using Casino Filters?

When you’re entering into a new online casino, you’ll see hundreds of game offerings. It gets tricky to find the one which is favorable to your style of play. You have to browse through the pages for hours before settling down. However, you can avoid this situation by using some simple tools. Online casino filters […]

The Strange Background of Gambling World in London

There are too many things that London is famous for. From being the seat of the ancient colonizers who began ruling the world, to all the medieval statues laying out the deepest treasures of the land, London has it all! And the list becomes endless if you start pinpointing all of the aspects this world-city […]

Crucial Points To Remember To Choose A Quality Casino Affiliate Scheme

Have you ever thought of trying your hand at a casino affiliate scheme? If yes, then we would suggest you absolutely go for it. Believe it or not, if you could work your way through a remarkable affiliate scheme perfectly, you are looking at considerable revenues with zilch expenditure in the long run. Not only […]

Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the Gambling Industry

Ever since the invention of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it has become an integral part of almost every technological evolution present today. AI is also now being used in almost every field that has anything to do with the internet or technology, to bring out more life. This includes the industry of online gambling, with many […]

What Is No Deposit Bonus and Why It Is a Steal for Newcomers?

Whenever you visit an online casino for the first time, you might have seen “no deposit bonus for newcomers” banner. Some live casinos, especially in the latter half of the 2010s, started this offer to promote their site among young gen gamblers. If you are new to the online casino scene, you will have some […]

Becoming a Casino Dealer – Here is how

The casino industry is expanding in both online and physical locations across the globe. More people are getting into gambling, and that means that more casino dealers are required to meet the ever-increasing demand. If you enjoy the idea of entertaining high rollers and casual players daily, then being a casino dealer could be a […]

Blackjack Basics 101: Cards and Values of World’s Most Famous Casino Game

Traditional casinos feature many games in their inventory. None is more common in those game inventory than Blackjack. A recent survey has revealed that 31% of US casino table action happens on Blackjack. Far ahead than the second-placed Roulette, which has 24% of table action. So there is no secret that people love Blackjack.  Now, […]

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